Monday, October 16, 2023

Want Your Self by Katie Horwich

  I'm not good enough. Not smart enough. Not talented enough. We all do it. Belittling who we are, what we do, what we stand for—often without realizing it. And it's stuck on a loop. Yet if shifting our toxic self-talk was as easy as repeating positive mantras, we'd have done it already. With Want Your Self, Katie Horwitch offers an approach for deep and lasting change—a guide for becoming fluent in an inner language for loving who you are while growing into the person you were meant to become.

Want Your Self, you'll find step-by-step guidance for finding, being, and staying your Self in this increasingly chaotic and complex world. Horwitch shines a compassionate light on the seemingly everyday moments that define your narratives and unpacks your inherited emotional DNA—then shares invaluable practices like Truth Maintenance, The Planned Freak-Out, and The Fear-Less Equation to help you sift through years of pretending and perfecting to unearth the strength in who you were all along.

"Behind every person fighting against their Self is really a person who yearns to want their Self," says Horwitch. "And that is a journey worth going on." Want Your Self is the blueprint for that journey—a pragmatic and proactive alternative to the toxic positivity that keeps us disconnected from ourselves and each other.

Pick up your copy here...

Katie Horwitch is a nationally recognized writer, speaker, mindset coach, and activist who has spent over a decade working to shift the cultural self-talk paradigm. She has spoken across the country about self-confidence, living fearlessly, and shifting the stories and habits that help shape our negative self-talk patterns. Praised by CNN as a“woman empowering others around the world,” Katie is the founder of the multimedia platform WANT: Women Against Negative Talk and the host of The WANTcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast. She’s spoken at SXSW, and has been featured on media outlets like The Cut, Romper, mindbodygreen, and Livestrong. As a leadership and mindset coach, she has worked with Fortune 500 companies on reshaping their internal culture, and coached executives on how to lead with integrity and purpose. She believes that shifting your self-talk is an essential part of shaping the world you actually want to live in—and is more important now than ever before. She lives in New York City with her husband and their dog-daughter, Frankie.

To learn more about Katie and her work, visit and You can also find her on social media at @katiehorwitch.