Sunday, October 21, 2012

Completely Whole By Paulette Harper Giveaway!

1. Tell us what Completely Whole is about?
Completely Whole takes you on a journey of Wholeness by identifying areas that hinder us from becoming whole— spirit, soul and body. Trauma (stress, shock, suffering, pain, hurts) impacts everyone at one point or another. It has the ability to leave scars imbedded in our hearts.  We know we hurt don’t know how deep the pain goes until we find ourselves trying to hide behind the pain through temporary remedies that leave us still not healed. Oftentimes, many people try to seek fulfillment from money, relationships, accomplishments, or material things. Others choose to cope with difficult problems by using drugs or alcohol, but they often come up short and soon have to realize that such things do not bring true happiness and fulfillment in life. Completely Whole is resource filled- guide full of practical and Biblically-based principles, real-life application strategies and prayers to give the readers a holistic approach to living a life of wholeness through Jesus Christ
2. Who did you write Completely Whole for?
With the desire to see people made whole, oftentimes, many people try to seek fulfillment from money, relationships, accomplishments, or material things. Others choose to cope with difficult problems by using drugs or alcohol, but they often come up short and soon have to realize that such things do not bring true happiness and fulfillment in life. Completely Whole, shows readers how to overcome suffering caused by alcoholism, substance abuse, poverty, and other obstacles blocking the path to a life of wholeness in spirit, soul, and body. 
3. How does faith play into your writing?
Faith plays a major part in my writing. Writing in the Christian genre gives me the opportunity to write stories that have a biblical message. Without being preachy, I can still use real life issues to bring a message of hope, restoration and redemption through each story, being fiction or non-fiction.

4. What is your favorite Bible verse and why? 
One of my favorite scriptures is I Samuel 30:8B “Without fail you shall recover all.”  I realize that we are living in some rough times. Many people are facing challenges that they have never known before and walking into territory that may be unfamiliar to them. And of course many have lost things in the process. Nevertheless, God’s word is true because we have a covenant with God; He has promised that there shall be a day of recovery. So I would tell anyone, take God at His word and trust that you shall recover everything that was taken from you. Better days are ahead.
5. What do you hope that people will take away from reading Completely Whole?
My focus in writing is to enrich the lives of my readers. I had a reader make this comment about Completely Whole “It speaks” and that’s what I want it to do. I want them to come away knowing that they have the ability to live a full enriched life. I want to make several impacts on readers: First I write non-fiction inspirational books so this means my books should have a lasting effect on a person’s spirit. Inspiring and encouraging them to pursue with passion a better fulfilled life. I want my writings to give strength, encouragement in the time of need. As they read Completely Whole, I want my writings to engage, stimulate and edify them spiritually.
6. What are you writing now?
My next book is my first Christian fiction book called The Sanctuary.  The Sanctuary is a gripping Christian Fiction tale of unyielding faith, dark secrets, and the difficult road to redemption. It will be released early 2013 under Pulse Publishing.
7. Do you have a blog or website where readers can find you?
Facebook author page:
Ministry website:
Virtual Book Tour:
Leave a comment for Paulette to be entered in the book giveaway!


  1. Hopefully this book will help many turn to GOD for help. The things she was saying are true. Maxie ( )

  2. This sounds like I need this book to help me be whole and not try to hide things inside of me!

  3. I think everyone is touched by the different challenges in life such as trauma. I would be interested to see how far this book takes those subjects

  4. Replies
    1. You are so welcome Paulette. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful book with all of us!

  5. Healing for every area of your life is a good thing. I believe after we are born again our thinking is the first thing that we need to start with it's the battle field of the mind where the enemy like to play with the most .Sounds like it would be a good read .Blessings ,Dana " Girl"

    1. Dana, you are the winner of this book! E-mail me your mailing address

  6. mary this is an amazing interview,it really made me think about alot of things.Thank you for this.

  7. Wonderful interview, Mary. Thanks for sharing about Paulette's book.

  8. When we find things that inspire us it sometimes makes us seem whole but are we really completely whole,great interview Mary and thank you for sharing this.

  9. I found this to be a great interview and I sometimes question my self and wonder if Im in this cloud of wonderment.Completly whole? I stuggle with some things myself and have many questions and wonder if they would ever be answered.Thank you Mary for sharing as you always do a great job.

  10. I enjoyed this interview and have found a new author to me. Thank you Mary!


  11. something for us all to read and learn from
