Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Homeless Like me By Donald Parker GIVEAWAY!

Brian has a dream of writing the great American novel. He knows that without a gimmick to set him apart from the rest of the pack, he'll never succeed. From reading Black Like Me, he gets the idea to masquerade as a homeless man to get the material to write the saga of those suffering from poverty. During his first visit to the local homeless shelter to gather facts, he is accosted by Zeke, one of the subjects of his research. In order to save his skin, Brian spills his guts to the huge black man. After hearing the story, Zeke sees value in the project for his homeless brethren, and pledges to help the wannabe paperback writer. Also on his first visit, a vision of loveliness, aptly named Angel, takes away Brian's breath and subsequently his heart. She turns out to be a fanatical Christian who is waiting for God to reveal the identity of her future husband. Brian decides to write a novel and make Angel the heroine hoping to win her heart in the process.
Buy your copy here

Don is a 1968 graduate of Madison Central High School in Madison, South Dakota. He graduated from Dakota State University in Madison in 1972 with a degree in secondary education. After moving to Washington State in 1981, Don studied computer programming and turned his writing efforts to software. After twenty-five years of IT work, Don's passion for writing flared up again, and the doctors couldn't do anything to cure it. The outcome is a five book series involving two generations of the Masterson family and four stand alone novels to date. The main focus of his work involves entertaining while educating through the struggle of his characters to find truth. Rather than avoiding controversial subjects, Parker seeks out to shine a spotlight on issues of life which cause conflict.
This was the first book I have read by Donald. But not my last.
A wonderful book about  homeless people. A book about bringing people to see the truth. And bring them to the Lord.
There is an angel in the book you just have to meet! I really did enjoy the book.
I hope that you will pick up a copy of this book to enjoy.
I was given a copy of this book by the author


  1. Wonderful review Mary cant wait to get a copy.

  2. Wonderful recommendation, Mary. I think we all need to become more aware of those around us who are without. It's humbling. Thank you!

  3. Wow, great review! Sounds like a great book!

  4. Thank you Mary. This is a subject that gets very neglected at this time of year. People rushing to shop for Christmas, go to parties, sit in front of a fire but a whole other world is being ignored. The people that are lost out in this world with no where to go, no food, no shelter and no warmth. This is a book I really want to read and I hope many others will also. Even if it is to gather a couple out grown coats, blankets. I would love to win this book

    Cathy Weber

  5. Awesome review Mary. This sounds like a great book. There are many homeless here in Lincoln. I worry for their safety and how they survive the cold nights and if they get enough to eat. Praying for each of them.

    1. Juanita, you are the winner! E-mail me your mailing address! themaryreader@yahoo.com

  6. You have done another great review Mary it looks like Im going to get a copy of this one.

  7. This author is new to me too. Sounds like a book I would love to read. I'm sure this is going to be a hard read. Thanks for your review and giveaway!


  8. Mary Im so glad you shared this review with us it does make us think thank you and I cant wait to get a copy of this.

  9. What a great story. I would love to win this book. Thanks so much!! joeym11@frontier.com

  10. Thanks Mary for this good review. I think of those when the weater gets so cold. Of course we have a lot of shelters they can go to in really cold times. I would love to receive this book. Maxie ( mac262@me.com )

  11. Thanks Mary. This sounds like a very interesting story.
