Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Supermom Myth By Becky Kopitzke

"This book isn't about raising kids. It's about raising Moms. . ." says author, speaker, blogger, lunch packer, and sidewalk chalk artist Becky Kopitzke. In a Pinterest-perfect culture, you've likely sensed an accelerated pressure to measure up. Then you either weigh yourself down with guilt or become resigned--desensitized, even--to this so-called failure. The Supermom Myth--with humor and grace, yet all the while maintaining a firm grasp on reality--aims to empower you to become the mom God created you to be. With 8 chapters, each personifying a "dirty villain" of motherhood, including The Grouch on the Couch (Anger), Worry Woman (Fear), and The Calendar Queen (Busyness), Kopitzke offers a gentle reminder to rest in the super power of our grace-filled God. 

Pick up your copy here...

Becky Kopitzke is a writer, speaker, singer, dreamer, lunch packer, snowman builder and recovering perfectionist. She lives with her handsome husband and their two young daughters in northeast Wisconsin, where a pink indoor trampoline fills half the once formal living room.

Becky believes God works in the ordinary, and it's up to us to find him there. On her blog, Time Out with Becky Kopitzke, she offers weekly encouragement for fellow imperfect women, pointing our weaknesses, blessings, and victories to God. Becky's first book, The SuperMom Myth: Conquering the Dirty Villains of Motherhood, is slated to release December 1, 2015 with Shiloh Run Press.

Trying to be the perfect mom? Super mom is that what you are?
This books really hits home for me. Trying to do it all and do it perfectly. It's impossible but God has your back.
A book all moms can relate to. We don't all have it together, and guess what that's alright.
This book reminds us to rest in Jesus and take it day by day.
I really think this is a book all moms need to pick up and read.
I gave this book 4 stars. Why not pick up a copy for a gift.
I was given a copy of this book by Wynn Wynn Media for my honest review.


  1. Perfect book for my mom for christmas.

  2. I think this is a book I need to read.

  3. My daughter needs this book. She is always on the go trying to everything for everybody.

  4. sounds good all my kids are grown but the youngest and he is 17 .Great Review Blessings DanaGirl

  5. I believe my wife can benefit from this book.

  6. Im not a mother yet bet I think I could use this book so I can be ready.

  7. My mom really need this book. I must go buy it now.

  8. My wife really needs is that she's always go go go, she sometimes to get one person can't do it all.

  9. My daughter could really stand to read this book. A mother of four kids, a paramedic, teacher and working in the ER, she tries to do it all by herself! Think that this book might just be one of her Christmas presents this year! Thanks, Mary for this review!

  10. I don't have any children at home anymore. This would be a perfect book for my daughter though. She runs herself ragged at times!

    Judy B
