Monday, June 3, 2024

Between Flowers and Bones by Carolyn Leiloglou


Twelve-year-old Georgia assumed she would one day be the last Restorationist protecting art from evil forces. So she was thrilled when her cousin Vincent finally joined the family calling.

But Vincent’s flashier Gift makes Georgia feel like a sidekick rather than a hero. And things only get more complicated and perilous after he willingly steps into the heart of danger.

Will the remnants of the Restorationists’ society fracture under the pressure of the Distortionists’ schemes? Or is Georgia’s Gift really enough to rescue her family, the art world, the Restorationists—and ultimately save the day?

Pick up your copy here...

Carolyn is the granddaughter of art collectors, daughter of an art teacher, and homeschooling mom to four wildly creative kids. She’s the award-winning author of the picture book Library’s Most Wanted, and her poems and short stories have appeared in children’s magazines around the world including Highlights, Ladybug, and The School Magazine in Australia..