Monday, June 24, 2024

Wisdom of the Path by Yasmine Cheyenne

 We’re each walking our own journey, and sometimes it's a hard one: a divorce, a career change, grief, or a major life transition. These chapters of our lives can leave us feeling lost and overwhelmed thinking, “How did I end up here?” Most often, the answers we tell ourselves make us feel either stuck on the path or stuck in shame. We are uncomfortable with the discomfort that life inevitably presents.

But another possibility is that we allow this question to spark curiosity that inspires and invites us to keep going, step by step, until we arrive on the other side of our journey.

Wisdom of the Path helps you:

  • Have more patience with yourself during struggles
  • Gather the lessons and wisdom of your past to courageously face new untraveled roads ahead
  • Stand in your power and create the future you desire
  • Embrace that each journey—good and bad—has informed our core wisdom.

Wisdom of the Path weaves stories of grief, heartbreak, joy, and overcoming that invite you to gather the wisdom you’ve collected throughout your life and use it for your path ahead. Anchored in four guideposts: base camp, intent, walk the talk, and lessons learned, this soulful and warm storytelling guide encourages us to embrace the bumpy roads of our lives with knowledge and knowing that we’re moving forward.

Pick up your copy here...

Yasmine Cheyenne is a self-healing educator, mental wellness advocate, author, and motivational speaker who helps

people cultivate daily practices to build healthy, joyful lives. Yasmine’s app, The Sugar Jar Community®, provides

meditations and healing workshops to support our mental wellness. She’s been featured on the Today show, InStyle,

Forbes, and more. An Air Force Veteran and native New Yorker, she now lives in Washington, DC with her family.