Make a Wish

If you had one deep, heartfelt wish, what would it be?
That is what our first author interview did in her book, "Make a Wish"
(Stories written for real people where they are the star).
That is what our first author interview did in her book, "Make a Wish"
(Stories written for real people where they are the star).
The Mary Reader: Marlayne, welcome to my brand new blog!
Marlayne: Thanks so much! I feel honored to be the very first one on here.
The Mary Reader: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Marlayne: I'm a 50-something wife, mother, career administrative assistant and also the author of 3 books (with a two more in the works). I'm also a Messianic Jew who loves Jesus and wants to glorify him in all that I do; especially my books.
The Mary Reader: Tell us about Make a Wish. How
did you get the idea to write Make a Wish?
Marlayne: A
good friend of mine, Henry, who has been a quadriplegic since the age of 14
(and is now in his early 50s ), was really down in
the dumps. He had been stood up for a fishing trip and because of his
condition; he is subject to the schedules and whims of others. He wouldn't get
out of bed, wouldn’t do anything and his wife, Vicki, had given up trying to coax
him. Henry and I had become good friends ever since Vicki reviewed my first book, The
Victor, on her blog.
I had already spoken with Henry several
times before this so I was distressed when I heard how low he was feeling. But
what could I do? I lived on the west coast and he lived on the east coast. How
could I possibly cheer him up? Then a light bulb went on over my head and I
thought, “I can write him a story”…and
that’s exactly what I did. I wrote “A Gift for Henry” in about one hour and
then emailed it to them that night. The
first thing the next morning I checked my email to see what the response
was. Well…it was amazing! Vicki had written me and told me that they
had wept for 20 minutes after reading it. That it had truly been inspired of
God because of the details I put in that I were not aware that were perfect for
Henry. Such as the smell of orange
blossoms being his favorite, how he was always trying to wiggle his toes to see
if they had started working and that all he wants to do when he gets to heaven
is to run, run, run for the Lord.
All of these stories were written as
gifts for others either because I was inspired to do so or because they were
requested. Some are deeply emotional,
heartfelt and inspirational while others are just fun.
Each story is preceded by a brief
paragraph which gives a little bio on the person for whom it was written and
why. Each person appears in their own
story as the “star”.
If you would like your own story, all
you have to do is contact me via email and… “Make a Wish”!
The Mary Reader: What
is your process for writing the wish fulfillment stories?
Marlayne: Well first I pray and ask the Lord to guide me in what I write so it will not only bless the recipient (so that they will feel like they have really heard from God instead of me), but that I will also faithfully represent Him in each story. Since I'm not God and do not have 2-way conversations with Him, I am very concerned that I do not misrepresent Him in any way. Usually I will see an image in my mind and I will just sit down and start typing while the "movie" plays in my head. In just about all my stories the Lord has inspired me to put in little elements here and there that are very specifically unique to each of the people for whom I am writing the story and the most common response I get back is: "how did you know that about me?" At first I thought it was just sheer "luck" but when it kept happening over and over again I began to trust that it was truly the Lord putting these little nuggets inside my head so I could tuck them into the stories.
The Mary Reader: What
do you hope to achieve in writing the wish fulfillment stories?
Marlayne: That it will give the recipient (and the reader) a sense that God truly cares about all the little details of their life and most of all: them. I also hope people will come away with a different and more God-centered perspective about their lives rather than just looking at only the circumstances. There are so many awful things going on in the world and in people's lives...I hope the book will not only touch them emotionally but uplift them as well.
The Mary Reader: What has been the response to these stories from the people you wrote them for?
Marlayne: Just about everyone has said that they couldn't help but cry as they read them. I think it makes it more real when they read a story in which they star as the main character. The reactions frequently amaze me more than the people for whom I have written these stories. I often wish I could be a fly on the wall when they get them so I could experience their response as they do.
Marlayne: That it will give the recipient (and the reader) a sense that God truly cares about all the little details of their life and most of all: them. I also hope people will come away with a different and more God-centered perspective about their lives rather than just looking at only the circumstances. There are so many awful things going on in the world and in people's lives...I hope the book will not only touch them emotionally but uplift them as well.
The Mary Reader: What has been the response to these stories from the people you wrote them for?
Marlayne: Just about everyone has said that they couldn't help but cry as they read them. I think it makes it more real when they read a story in which they star as the main character. The reactions frequently amaze me more than the people for whom I have written these stories. I often wish I could be a fly on the wall when they get them so I could experience their response as they do.
The Mary Reader: Will you be writing any more wish fulfillment stories?
Marlayne: I have written another 15 stories for the next wish fulfillment book which I plan to title "Star Light, Star Bright" after the wishing poem but I need more people to email me with their wish.
The Mary Reader: If people want to send you their wishes for the next book, what should they do?
Marlayne: They need to email me at: The information I need is some background about themselves, what their wish is and why. If I need to ask more questions to help me with the story then I will write and ask them. I won't write stories that include anything that is not G-rated.
The Mary Reader: Do you have a website or blog?
Marlayne: Yes I do! My website for my first book, The Victor is: My blog is:
The Mary Reader: Where can we get your books?
Marlayne: All my books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. They can also be ordered through Family Christian Stores. The Victor (a historical/inspiration romance set in a mythical medieval setting) and In Plain Sight (an Amish paranormal fiction with a twist) are available for all e-readers as well. Make a Wish is paperback only. Personally autographed copies can be purchased through my blog using a Christian version of Paypal here:
Marlayne: I have written another 15 stories for the next wish fulfillment book which I plan to title "Star Light, Star Bright" after the wishing poem but I need more people to email me with their wish.
The Mary Reader: If people want to send you their wishes for the next book, what should they do?
Marlayne: They need to email me at: The information I need is some background about themselves, what their wish is and why. If I need to ask more questions to help me with the story then I will write and ask them. I won't write stories that include anything that is not G-rated.
The Mary Reader: Do you have a website or blog?
Marlayne: Yes I do! My website for my first book, The Victor is: My blog is:
The Mary Reader: Where can we get your books?
Marlayne: All my books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. They can also be ordered through Family Christian Stores. The Victor (a historical/inspiration romance set in a mythical medieval setting) and In Plain Sight (an Amish paranormal fiction with a twist) are available for all e-readers as well. Make a Wish is paperback only. Personally autographed copies can be purchased through my blog using a Christian version of Paypal here:
My review of Make a Wish:
Marlayne will be giving away 1 personally autographed copy of Make a Wish. If you would like to enter to win, you must provide evidence of posting this blog link on your facebook page (and/or your own blog) and leave a comment.
I give Make A Wish 5 stars!
I am very interested in reading this!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Sue! Thanks for your comment. To enter the drawing to win the book, post a link to this blog on your facebook page (or your blog)!
ReplyDeleteYour giveaway is posted on my blog. I didn't know when it ended--if I find out, I'll adjust my post.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I did post it and thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, best wishes on your brand new blog! Marlayne's book "Make a Wish" sounds sweet as can be. I'll post a link to your blog when I update my blog later today or tomorrow, but to be honest I haven't been on facebook author page for a while. I am swamped right now with deadlines. But I wish her luck with this release, and you luck with your brand new blog! thanks so much for posting my bookcover! I was tickeled pink. And Marlayne mentioned that she's a 50+ wife & mom....well, I saw her author photo and I want to know what kind of beauty cream she uses! I'm rushing out to buy a jar! blessings, Mary Ellis
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary! I inherited wonderful skin from my mom (who is 95 and looks 75). Quite honestly I don't use anything. Never have. I don't even wash it (please don't hate me). That was a glamor photo I took with my best friend a while back and had heavy make-up on; you just can't tell with the black and white photo.
DeleteCongratulations on your first blog post.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview ladies!
ReplyDeletePlease don't enter me as I have a copy of this :-) Just wanted to stop by and say hi to Mary and congratulate her on her blog, and to say hello to Marlayne! *waves from NC* Thanks for creating my *wish* after my grandfather passed...I still cherish it! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview and the info on the book. looks like a great read
ReplyDeleteThe winner of a copy of Make A wish is Ginger! Please send me a e-mail with your mailing address!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary, I can't wait to read it