Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Gather Around the Amish Table By Lucy Leid

Straight from Amish kitchens to yours, this cookbook offers favorite family recipes and charming stories from Amish and Mennonite cooks. Bake the pecan rolls that taste best after an ice-skating party, or try the hoagies that a community sold to help an Amish family with hospital bills. Discover the cocoa cupcakes with instructions to stir by hand that one young cook took literally, or whip up the whoopie pies that one Amish woman took to market in her horse and buggy.

These cherished recipes speak of comforting traditions, lively communities, and strong Christian faith. Gather your family around the table to sample the nourishing fare and trademark charm of the plain people. In the words of one cookbook contributor: Bake someone happy!

Pick up your copy here...

Lucy Leid is an Old Order Mennonite wife, mother, and cook in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Bakers and Chefs alike are going to love this cookbook. Simple ingredients and easy to make recipes.
I loved all that I have made so far. There is one recipe that does not sound to appetizing and that is roasted Pig Stomach, I won't be trying that one for sure. Psss, don't forget to make yourself a gallon of Root beer, that's right I said homemade root beer. 
I love the pictures and the stories in this cookbook this is one to keep one your shelf and buy for great friends as well.
I have to say this was a 4 star cookbook and I plan to share it with my friends.
I was given a copy of this cookbook by the publisher for my honest review.


  1. The roasted Pig Stomach not so much !! But I am sure it has a lot of good recipe in it . { and stories } Blessings ,DanaGirl

  2. I just love Amish cook books. I think any kitchen is not complete without them, I will for sure be buying this book. Thank you Mary

  3. My fiance loves Amish cook books. I think I will buy this for her a gift. Thank you.

  4. I am sure there is more than one recipe i this book that would like to try. Thank you for sharing Mary

  5. Oh Mary, cookbooks are my favorite things!!!! This one sounds great!

  6. I love cook books especially Amish cook books. I have a couple at home and after I buy this one I will have a few. Thanks

  7. I have a collection of Amish Cookbooks and I can't wait to get this one!
    I'll pass on the recipe for Roasted Pig Stomach though!
    Great review, Mary!

    Judy B

  8. There are meals that cross our dinner table that have come from and Amish cookbook. I will definitely be buying this one.

  9. O yeah I am going to have to get this book. I already have Amish cook books but each one offers different things. Thank you Mary.

  10. I am going to buy this one for my mom. Thanks

  11. I just love to cook. I am going to love to buy this book to learn new things. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Nom, nom! A book that I could cherish forever! I love Amish recipes! Thanks, Mary!
