In the second installment of this animal-themed cozy series, Dr. Kate Turner has one New Year's resolution: Stop finding corpses...
All Dr. Kate Turner wants to do is get her life in order before ringing in the new year, but with bodies turning up left and right, she'll have to trust her own instincts―and those of her beloved animals―to stop a killer in their tracks.
As the only veterinarian at Oak Falls Animal Hospital, Dr. Kate's life is complicated. She's swamped with hospital patients and house calls, a long-distance relationship with law student Luke Gianetti (that is less than perfect), and a handsome, flirtatious artist who sets his sights on her as his new muse.
When the body of Sookie Overmann is found outside the community center after her organization seminar, the entire town is hunting for answers. All of Kates hopes of quietly ringing in the new year are lost and when the body of Sookie's assistant falls with the confetti at midnight, she has no choice but to sniff out the killer.
Pick up your copy here...
Nothing about the author.
Good post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute cover.
ReplyDeleteI love cozy mysteries.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing,
ReplyDeleteMary, its thriller season. Just saying.