Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Rooted In Wonder by Eryn Lynum

 For a generation whose eyes are constantly trained on screens, encountering nature at all is increasingly difficult, much less seeing what it reveals about God. How can parents help children reengage with God's world that is full of amazement, creativity, and love?

Eryn Lynum is a certified master naturalist, Bible teacher, and mom of four who wants to help families encounter and understand the connection between God and creation. She shares her own story of putting her kids in front of nature, and invites other parents to consider a similar journey.

With practical sections that look at nature through the lens of the Bible and activities to integrate faith and the natural world, Rooted in Wonder helps parents instill within their kids an unshakable faith. Through the art of play, the drive of discovery, and the awe of adventure, children will gain a sense of wonder in their Creator that will last a lifetime.

Pick up your copy here...

Eryn Lynum is author of the book 936 Pennies: Discovering the Joy of Intentional Parenting. Eryn has been featured on FamilyLife Today radio as well as podcasts and radio stations around the world, Proverbs31 Ministries, MOPs International, Simply Wholehearted, and For Every Mom. She lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and four children. Every opportunity she gets, she is out exploring the Rocky Mountains with her family, and sharing the journey at www.936Pennies.com