Thursday, October 24, 2019

Broken Girl By Rhonda Kulczyk

'There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories are full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream--whatever that dream may be.' Pearl S. Buck

Life is full of moments. Moments of love. Moments of pain. And I have often wondered why the moments of pain were so easily recalled, while the moments of love were fleeting and gone before I had time to truly appreciate them. It seemed I was irreparably broken. A broken girl with broken dreams. My neighbor Charlie once said, "What defines you, Madeline Moore, is how well you rise after falling." Life has knocked me down. Several times, in fact. It has shown me things I never wanted to see. I've experienced sadness and failure. I've experienced moments where I didn't want to get up. Moments where I simply lacked the strength to. And once again, Charlie's voice reminds me, "You have to rise above the storm, Madeline, in order to find sunshine."

Pick up your copy here...

Introduced to historical fiction by her grandmother, Rhonda Kulczyk, became an avid reader for many years before writing her first book in the summer of 2001. What began as an inquisitive adventure became the development of a lifelong dream as friends and family compelled her to publish Freedom to Love in 2009. The Freedom Series continues to develop with the fifth book in the series, Freedom to Endure. Rhonda is the mother of four boys and currently resides with her family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

First book in the series.